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 Nelson Weber's Bio


Nelson Weber has been instrumental in gathering facts from 10 cities in the surrounding St. Louis and Jefferson County areas.  He met with city leaders and administrators to obtain detailed budget, staffing, and other statistical data regarding city management.  He created a comprehensive budget and staffing-level plan (with salaries & benefits) that would be needed for a city of 15,000 people in 2005.  He provided the Facts and Figures information to the "Committee To Incorporate High Ridge (CTIHR)", a committee that met monthly from April 2004 to September 2005 with the intent to incorporate High Ridge.  This committee dissolved in September 2005.  City EXPENSES were projected to be $8.2 million, and INCOME was projected to be $6.5 million with heavy taxation of High Ridge residents, leaving a $1.7 million dollar deficit.  It was not economically feasible to incorporate High Ridge, therefore, the committee dissolved.

In March 2007, Brian Haskins created the "Citizens for the Future of High Ridge" (one of the pro-incorporation groups).  Nelson Weber was convinced that incorporation is impractical and unsupportable (without excessive taxation) for High Ridge 63049 and began his private campaign of communication of the Facts & Figures to the citizens of High Ridge.

In 2008, the petition for the Incorporation of Sugar Creek Hills was accepted and approved to be placed on the April 7, 2009, ballot by the County Commissioners.  Again, Nelson Weber felt impressed to communicate the facts of incorporating to those residents in the proposed boundaries.  He gathered updated numbers from County, State and municipal resources and is again presenting that information at scheduled Town Hall Meetings.

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Last modified: 02/15/10