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 Sugar Creek Hills


Beginning in 2007, the "Working to be a City Committee" began gathering signatures on a petition to incorporate a portion of High Ridge and name it Sugar Creek Hills.  Upon collecting enough signatures to satisfy the County requirement, the petition, budget, and boundary description was filed with the County Commissioners.  Later that year, on September 12, it was reported that the petition had been declined due to deficiencies in the boundary description that failed to meet requirements, as set forth in the Missouri State Statutes.

Upon making changes to the boundary description and resubmitting to the County, the County Commissioners approved the petition in 2008.  The Proposition was then placed on the ballot for April 7, 2009, with little fanfare.

Upon learning of the ballot entry, the opposition group, "Opposition to Sugar Creek Hills", mounted a campaign to educate voters with the facts of incorporation and the costs required to operate and fund a city.

On Tuesday, April 7, 2009, the Sugar Creek Hills Proposition was presented to the voters.  The following was the result, as posted on the Jefferson County official website.

Voters listened, researched and most importantly, went to the polls to vote.  Those that researched the facts of incorporation decided it wasn't worth the costs to incorporate.

It's important to note that . . . your vote matters.

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Last modified: 02/15/10