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 Services Will Decrease


Many people believe that a city can provide more for them than the county does, and so, that is the reason to incorporate.  However, counties already provide funding for parks, schools, road maintenance and improvements, police, fire department, ambulance, etc.

Cities don't maintain private roads.  Many people think that when the city incorporates, the roads will automatically be taken over and maintained by the city.  However, this is not true.  The same process that is used by the County is used by the City:  homeowners must petition the County or City to take over a particular road and then it must be accepted before maintenance changes.

However, for the existing county roads, the city will, at great expense, duplicate the county equipment, machinery, and employees to provide maintenance to the roads.  In the case of a city with few resources, such as Sugar Creek Hills (proposed), the level of maintenance may never reach that of the county.  Huge tax increases would need to be levied in order to attempt to achieve the same level of service that residents are used to.

The same is true for all of the services.  The police department would be duplicated from what the county provided, all of the administration would be duplicated, buildings would be needed to house the administration, courts, etc.  And, you would continue to pay the County for those services that you no longer receive and have an added tax burden to the city to fund these duplicated services.  Furthermore, if voters reject proposed tax increases, the city could risk becoming a city on paper only.

Furthermore, it is hard to see how a newly-created local police force could ever achieve the professionalism of the JCSD.  It has been 20 years since Byrnes Mill was formed and just look and them!  The Byrnes Mill budget has been provided on this site to give you a glimpse of what it takes to run a city -- and this is a small city.

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Last modified: 02/15/10