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 Sugar Creek Hills Map


The map offered on this page was issued by Jefferson County according to the description of the Sugar Creek Hills defined boundary.  This image file size is large due to the size of the original scanned and the level of resolution needed to be of use.  The aerial view is ~6.5MB and is in .jpg file format.  Clicking on the thumbnails opens the image in your browser; however, I would recommend saving them to your hard drive and opening them up in a graphics program that allows you to zoom in on the image.  If you want to download or save the images to your hard drive, right click the thumbnail and select "save picture as".  Either change the folder to where it will save it or make a note of the folder it is saving to so that you can locate it afterward.  If you have dial-up, this can take quite awhile to download.

Proposed incorporation boundary.

The red outlined area is the proposed incorporation boundary.

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Last modified: 02/15/10