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 Petition for Byrnes Mill

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Petition for Byrnes Mill to Annex 63049

The following is the language of the petition offered for signature by the pro-incorporation group Citizens for the Future of High Ridge.


To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Byrnes Mill:

    We, the undersigned voters of Jefferson County, respectfully request that the City of Byrnes Mill, pursuant to RSMo Section 72.130, consider that the boundaries of the City of Byrnes Mill be extended to include certain property located in unincorporated Jefferson County, as described on exhibit "A" attached.

To see the full petition, please click on the following link:

Byrnes Mill Petition Image

If you signed this petition, remember that you were asked to sign it by the group "Citizens for the Future of High Ridge".  This is not a Byrnes Mill initiative.  However, Byrnes Mill will have one year from the filing of the petitions to make a decision as to whether they will act upon the option to annex the majority of the 63049 zip code.  This petition is required by the State of Missouri due to the proximity of the proposed High Ridge boundary to the city of Byrnes Mill.

Any annexation proposal would still have to go before the voters.  So, please be prepared to vote should this measure come to the ballot.

A copy of exhibit "A" is included on this site.

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Last modified: 02/15/10