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 High Ridge

Avg Household Tax Increase
Predatory Incorporation
Petition for High Ridge
Petition for Byrnes Mill
Exhibit "A"

In 2007, the group, "Citizens for the Future of High Ridge", began collecting signatures on two petitions.  One petition was to be submitted to the County requesting incorporation of the 63049 zip code.  The second petition was to be given to Byrnes Mill for their consideration to file with the County for incorporation of the same 63049 boundary.

The links on the left provide additional information regarding the High Ridge incorporation initiative.

Upon collecting the necessary signatures to satisfy the County requirement, the petition, budget, and boundary description was filed with the County Commissioners.  Later that year, on September 12, it was reported that the petition had been declined due to deficiencies in the boundary description and failed to meet requirements, as set forth in the Missouri State Statutes.

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Last modified: 02/15/10