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Petition for Sugar Creek

Petitions Offered by Citizens for the Future of High Ridge

The two petitions being offered by the Citizens for the Future of High Ridge have now been filed:  one with the County and one with Byrnes Mill.

One of the petitions asks the city of Byrnes Mill to annex the majority of the 63049 zip code and the other petitions the County of Jefferson to consider the petition for incorporation of the majority of the 63049 zip code.

To see each petition in detail, please click the following links:

Missouri law requires groups seeking to incorporate land within two miles of an existing city be required to offer a petition that would allow the nearby city the first opportunity to annex the property of the proposed city boundary.  For the petition to be acted upon, it must contain the required number of signatures (according to County statutes) of the registered voters from within the proposed city boundary.  In the case of the proposed city boundary for High Ridge, Byrnes Mill is that near city and the Byrnes Mill petition allows Byrnes Mill one year to consider submitting the signed petition to the County to request annexation of the majority of the 63049 zip code. 

Byrnes Mill has now received the signed petition, and should they decide to act upon it, the petition could be submitted to Jefferson County at any time; and with enough certified signatures on the petition, the initiative could soon be placed on the ballot for a vote. 

Meanwhile, the Citizens for the Future of High Ridge talk of predatory tactics and have been reportedly saying that Byrnes Mill is the aggressor, which simply is not true.  They, Citizens for the Future of High Ridge, also are pitted against another initiative, the proposal for incorporation of the City of Sugar Creek Hills.

Petition offered by the Sugar Creek Hills Working to be a City Committee

It has been said that the proposed incorporation initiative for the City of Sugar Creek Hills is primarily about a golf course and those who want to make a city by taxing the local businesses that will be captive in their boundaries.  We currently do not have a copy of the petition available on this website but will post it in the near future.

However, we do have the map of the proposed incorporation boundary.

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Last modified: 02/15/10