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Sugar Creek Hills Letter
Sugar Creek Hills Rebuttal

The following contains archived news stories:

Incorporation Petitions Denied by County

Petitions Submitted to County

Incorporation Initiatives


Sugar Creek Hills Meetings

Town Hall Meeting

Petitions Submitted to County

On August 21, 2007, the Sugar Creek Hills Working to be a City Committee submitted their petition for incorporation to Jefferson County.  The Sugar Creek Hills group has requested the incorporation initiative be placed on the ballot for the November 6, 2007, election.

The Citizens for the Future of High Ridge has also submitted their petition and budget to Jefferson County.  This initiative is anticipated to be on the August 2008 ballot.

If you live in the proposed Sugar Creek Hills city boundary and are not registered to vote, you must be registered approximately one month prior to the November 6 election to participate.  To find out where to register, click on register.

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Incorporation Initiatives

There are currently two incorporation initiatives being proposed in the High Ridge Area. 

The first initiative, referred to hereafter as High Ridge 63049 Initiative, is being proposed by the Citizens for the Future of High Ridge in which they are petitioning Jefferson County to place language on a future ballot (probably August 2008) asking voters to approve the incorporation of the majority of the 63049 zip code.

The second initiative, referred to hereafter as Sugar Creek Hills Initiative, is being proposed by the Sugar Creek Hills Working To Be A City Committee, a group petitioning Jefferson County to place language on a future ballot (probably November 2007) asking voters to approve the incorporation of an area that includes the Sugar Creek Hills golf course and nearby businesses.

High Ridge 63049 Initiative -- The boundaries have been defined, and a map has been created.  It is the majority of the 63049 zip code, and includes the proposed Sugar Creek Hills Initiative boundary within its boundary.  To see this map, click on map.

Sugar Creek Hills Initiative -- As of August 8, 2007, a description of the Sugar Creek Hills boundary was submitted to Hillsboro and a map drawn up and is available and offered here on this website.  Click on map.

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In order to incorporate into a city, the County requires the submission of a petition requesting incorporation.  The petition must be signed by a certain percentage of the registered voter's that live within the boundary of the proposed city.  Once the required percentage of signatures are obtained on the petitions, the petitions are then filed with the County.  In addition to the petitions, the County requires budgetary and boundary (map) information.  Once the County Commissioners have the signatures verified and counted and examine the other information submitted to ensure it is correct and complete, the initiative may then be placed on the ballot for voter consideration in an upcoming election.

Both Citizens for the Future of High Ridge & Sugar Creek Hills Working To Be A City Committee groups have offered and filed petitions for incorporation.

Please click the following link to learn more about the petitions.

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Sugar Creek Hills Meetings

Some citizens of the proposed Sugar Creek Hills city boundary received a letter informing them of three meetings scheduled between February and March.  That letter is included on this page for those interested and who did not receive it.

Nancy Jordan attended these meetings and offered her rebuttal to the incorporation attempt at the second meeting.

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Town Hall Meeting

On May 22, a town hall meeting was held at the Baptist Church in High Ridge to present the facts regarding the cost of running a city.  The meeting was sponsored by the Facts & Figures Committee and was open to all citizens.  There were three sessions in which Nelson Weber gave a presentation providing detailed budget, staffing, and other statistical data regarding city management.  This information was gathered and compiled by Mr. Weber from meetings held with city administrators from 10 cities in the Jefferson County and St. Louis areas.

The information clearly revealed that it was not economically feasible to incorporate High Ridge.

Brian Haskins, President of Citizens for the Future of High Ridge (the pro-incorporation group behind the 63049 incorporation initiative), was given the opportunity to present three benefits the city would offer.  Although Mr. Haskins spoke, no benefits were offered.

Mr. Jack Hale, also of the Citizens for the Future of High Ridge, was given the opportunity to speak and declined.

If those that support incorporation are silent on the subject of benefits, why are they so vigorously supporting incorporation?

The meetings were well attended by concerned citizens.  Of those in attendance at the meetings, almost no one seemed to be in support of the idea to incorporate.  In fact, many people were quite vocal in opposition to the idea.

The information Nelson Weber presented is provided, with permission from Mr. Weber, on this site so that you can see the facts for yourself.  Please click on the following link:


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Last modified: 02/15/10